Publications & Thought Leadership

 MOOCs and Access to Higher Education by South African Underprivileged Learners

Co-authored with Prof. Van Belle, presented at the 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. This paper explores the potential of MOOCs to democratise access to education in South Africa.

A Conceptual Model for Institutional Adoption of Learning Technologies in Higher Education

Presented at the ICICIS 2019 Conference at the Universityof Johannesburg, South Africa. This paper proposes a model that can assist higher education institutions to make better choices in the adoption of learning technologies.


Chris possesses the intellectual curiosity, dedication, and strong work ethic necessary to excel in a doctoral program. His Master’s thesis showcased his ability to develop a well-defined research question, conduct thorough research, and present findings in a clear and concise manner.

Academic Supervisor